City Gardens: A New Year’s Construction Update February 22, 2023

The much-anticipated urban oasis has been seeing construction go at full speed, and with the start of the new year, we thought it best to update the community on what has been happening these past few months on the construction site. For the latest update, we chatted with Steve Bergmann, the City Gardens construction manager with Kelson Group.

The City Gardens project is divided into 5 areas:

AREA A.        City Gardens – East Tower (or Trillium) & East Condo. 
AREA B.        City Gardens – West Tower & West Condo.
AREA C.        City Gardens – North Apartments
AREA D.        The Pines Tie-In
AREA E.         City Gardens – South Apartments

Currently, teams are working on the 24-storey Trillium tower, which is under Area A and rising floor by floor. Excavation for the tower is complete, as is the shoring and shotcrete. The slab on grade for the parkade level 3 is complete, and currently, work is happening on parkade level 2 with the suspended slab set-up.

“We are pleased as a team to report that the project is all on track,” noted Bergmann.

The construction crew recently had a big day on site, where almost 1,000 metres of concrete were poured for the parkade and footings for Trillium. The crews continue to work on Trillium, with more updates on next steps to be released soon.

“A major milestone we are looking forward to getting to and finishing is the concrete portion of Trillium in early 2024,” said Bergmann, adding, “It is a great site for the local trades to work on. We have only one trade from out of town, and we have insisted on hiring local workers to supplement our key personnel. Kelson Group is a Kamloops company focused on giving back to this great city as much as possible.”

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Author: Mandy Curtis Post Date: February 22, 2023

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